We have just released version 5.1.0. Here is a list of the changes that came with the release:
- gRPC improvements
- Import gRPC proto files using the import button on the gRPC Add/Edit page
- Convert OpenAPI files to gRPC proto files with openapi2proto using the import button on the gRPC Add/Edit page
- Use the trafficparrot.virtualservice.grpc.openapi2proto.plugin.location property to configure the openapi2proto binary location, which can be either AUTO_DETECT (which searches the system environment path, go/bin directory and Traffic Parrot plugins directory) or a specific location
- Configure HTTP proxy mappings on the HTTP Add/Edit page to allow routing some calls to the virtual service and some calls to real services
- Added support for database queries in responses
- New {{ databaseQuery }} helper
- Configure JDBC connections in the database-connections.json file
- Provide the JDBC driver JAR files for your database in the lib/external folder
- Added support for default value when using {{ select }} to look up values in CSV files
- Added support for the IBM®MQ Message ID as Correlation ID pattern
- When a property is missing from trafficparrot.properties we now report which key is missing in the logs
- PDF files can now be correctly recorded and replayed as HTTP multipart/related attachments
- Removed equal to matcher from gRPC edit mapping form (equal to JSON always makes more sense to use than equal to)
- New toggle trafficparrot.virtualservice.grpc.message.field.naming to choose whether to define gRPC mappings using CAMEL_CASE field names or using the ORIGINAL field name case used in the proto files
- Binary (non plain text) HTTP responses are now recorded in .bin files
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