Tuesday 23 July 2019

What can I do with Traffic Parrot?

"What can I do with Traffic Parrot? I am trying to simulate resource allocation scenario for fog computing. Can I simulate that using Traffic Parrot?" - a trafficparrot.com website visitor via the chat window.

Traffic Parrot is a service virtualisation and API mocking tool, which are two techniques from the test doubles family.

"Sometimes it is just plain hard to test the system under test because it depends on other components that cannot be used in the test environment. This could be because they aren't available, they will not return the results needed for the test or because executing them would have undesirable side effects. In other cases, our test strategy requires us to have more control or visibility of the internal behavior of the SUT."  - Test Double at XUnitPatterns.

For more information have a look at the tutorial: Getting started with stubbing, mocking and service virtualization.

Sunday 21 July 2019

Traffic Parrot 5.2.0 released, whats new?

We have just released version 5.2.0. Here is a list of the changes that came with the release:


  • WireMock 2.10.1 compatible REST API is now mounted on /api/http/* on the Traffic Parrot UI/API port (default 8080) for example POST /api/http/requests/count can be used to count requests
  • Added gRPC REST API to count the number of requests made that match the given criteria using POST /api/grpc/requests/count and reset the count using DELETE /api/grpc/requests
  • See the OpenAPI documentation or import the Postman workspace for more information.


  • Fix scenarios dropdown UI on Windows browsers


  • Rename "request body" to "request message payload" in the gRPC UI

Sunday 14 July 2019

Does Traffic Parrot support HTTP/2 (HTTP2)?

Not yet directly. Currently only via gRPC.

gRPC leverages HTTP/2 underneath and benefits from many of the efficiencies of HTTP/2. Traffic Parrot supports gRPC. Traffic Parrot does not support HTTP/2 directly yet, please reach out to us to have a look at the HTTP/2 beta version.

Monday 8 July 2019

Traffic Parrot 5.1.0 released, whats new?

We have just released version 5.1.0. Here is a list of the changes that came with the release:


  • gRPC improvements
    • Import gRPC proto files using the import button on the gRPC Add/Edit page
    • Convert OpenAPI files to gRPC proto files with openapi2proto using the import button on the gRPC Add/Edit page
    • Use the trafficparrot.virtualservice.grpc.openapi2proto.plugin.location property to configure the openapi2proto binary location, which can be either AUTO_DETECT (which searches the system environment path, go/bin directory and Traffic Parrot plugins directory) or a specific location
  • Configure HTTP proxy mappings on the HTTP Add/Edit page to allow routing some calls to the virtual service and some calls to real services
  • Added support for database queries in responses
    • New {{ databaseQuery }} helper
    • Configure JDBC connections in the database-connections.json file
    • Provide the JDBC driver JAR files for your database in the lib/external folder
  • Added support for default value when using {{ select }} to look up values in CSV files
  • Added support for the IBM®MQ Message ID as Correlation ID pattern


  • When a property is missing from trafficparrot.properties we now report which key is missing in the logs
  • PDF files can now be correctly recorded and replayed as HTTP multipart/related attachments


  • Removed equal to matcher from gRPC edit mapping form (equal to JSON always makes more sense to use than equal to)
  • New toggle trafficparrot.virtualservice.grpc.message.field.naming to choose whether to define gRPC mappings using CAMEL_CASE field names or using the ORIGINAL field name case used in the proto files
  • Binary (non plain text) HTTP responses are now recorded in .bin files