Wednesday 27 May 2020

Traffic Parrot 5.12.0 released, whats new?

We have just released version 5.12.0. Here is a list of the changes that came with the release:


  • New property that allows configuring how IBM® MQ queues will be accessed
  • New property that allows skipping logging message body for native IBM® MQ
  • Native IBM® MQ now respects the existing properties that allow for caching mappings in memory
  • You can now configure per connection to an IBM® MQ broker how many read and how many write connections to open. You do it in the ibm-mq-connections.json. For example:
    "readConnectionsToOpen": 5,
    "writeConnectionsToOpen": 5
  • The Native IBM® MQ mapping allows for configuring how many threads should be used to access the queue, for example:
    "receiveThreads" : 5,
    "sendThreads" : 1
  • You can define in the mapping how many messages the Native IBM® MQ connector will be keeping in memory at once, which will be relevant for scenarios when sending delayd messages, for example:
    "maxMessagesInProgress": 1000000
  • You can start the Native IBM® MQ replay with a script, for example:
    # This is a sample comment 1
    RequestQueueManager:'Request QM1'
    ResponseQueueManager:'Response QM1'
    # This is a sample comment 2
    RequestQueueManager:'Request QM2'
    ResponseQueueManager:'Response QM2'
  • Handlebar templates are cached allowing for better performance


  • There has been performance improvements made to the Native IBM® MQ connector. See the performance benchmarks for more details.
  • Native IBM® MQ response messages during a replay have the replyToQueueEmpty and replyToQueueManager set to the connected queue manager if they did not have any of these attributes set on the request message
  • Native IBM® MQ sends the queue manager name along with queue name when sending a message. This is applicable in scenarios with multiple queue managers set up in a cluster without the cluster sender and cluster receiver channels
  • Logging more runtime information on startup
  • Additional logging when connections to IBM® MQ fail

Thursday 7 May 2020

What network config do I need to change when installing Traffic Parrot?

If you are just starting with Traffic Parrot and would like to know which network configurations need changing to use Traffic Parrot, please contact to confirm the current network setup and how we can help.

You can also have a look at the following setup as a starting point (click to enlarge)
