Friday 25 September 2020

Traffic Parrot 5.20.2 released, what's new?

We have just released version 5.20.2. Here is a list of the changes that came with the release:


  • Mappings list user interface improvements for all protocols:
    • Added support for customizing which columns are displayed in the mappings list in the UI. The selected settings are stored in the browser to allow different Traffic Parrot users to set different preferences.
    • Edit mapping tags that can be used to organize and search mappings
    • Added new tags column which is hidden by default
    • Display mapping file name when editing a mapping
  • Added mapping file name to the logs when reporting request match status for MQ/JMS/Files mappings


  • Switching scenario with mappings caches enabled now resets the caches
  • Traffic Parrot now shuts down gracefully on Windows when the stop script is run
  • Fixed an issue where the HTTP virtual service would not respond if a mapping file was deleted while the request was being served

Monday 21 September 2020

A global retail bank has migrated one of their departments off CA Lisa and now saves 51% on tool costs per year

In September 2020, after a thorough evaluation, a global retail bank selected Traffic Parrot for their application testing needs. They have used WireMock for HTTP service virtualization needs and Traffic Parrot for IBM® MQ in both their performance testing and system testing environments.

"We have migrated our department off CA Lisa to reduce our operational costs in performance and system testing environments. We used Wiremock for HTTP stubbing and mocking and Traffic Parrot for IBM MQ. Neither Wiremock nor Traffic Parrot provides all the features available in CA Lisa. Still, after initial proof of concept assessment, we have decided those tools feature sets will be sufficient for our needs and significantly cut costs. It took our team six months to migrate HTTP to Wiremock and another three months working closely with the Traffic Parrot team to improve their offering to meet our load testing and mainframe integration requirements. With this investment, we cut our tooling costs in half."

​ Executive working for a  global retail bank.

Next steps

Please contact or call +44 20 3239 7753 (available 9am to 5pm United Kingdom time) for more details on how we can help your team save on service virtualization costs.

Monday 14 September 2020

Traffic Parrot 5.19.4 released, what's new?

  We have just released version 5.19.4. Here is a list of the changes that came with the release:


  • Added support for configuring gRPC delays via fixedDelayMilliseconds or distributionDelay in the mapping files
  • Exposed new properties for tuning gRPC performance:
    • trafficparrot.virtualservice.grpc.server.receiveThreads=DOUBLE_NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS
    • trafficparrot.virtualservice.grpc.server.sendThreads=DOUBLE_NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS
    • trafficparrot.virtualservice.grpc.server.replay.maxMessagesWaitingToBeSent=1000


  • Traffic Parrot now shuts down gracefully when the launcher process is killed (e.g. during a docker stop)


  • Only consider TCP ports when printing diagnostic information when there is a port clash on startup

Saturday 5 September 2020

Traffic Parrot 5.18.0 released, whats new?

  We have just released version 5.18.0. Here is a list of the changes that came with the release:



  • Fixes to the gRPC mappings list editing and search mechanism
  • Fixed a bug where the edit modal would incorrectly close automatically if closed and reopened too quickly
  • Fixed a bug where the edit modal would show the previous flash message if closed and reopened too quickly
  • Fixes for JMS object support
  • Fixes for port in use diagnostic message when multiple PIDs are involved


  • The property has been replaced by
  • Logging properties file names indicate which type of logging configuration to use:
    • Names like *.log4j.* are assumed to be Log4j version 1 configuration
    • Names like *.log4j2.* are assumed to be Log4j version 2 configuration
  • The MQ message putDateTime log line now has a millisecond (instead of second) resolution to help investigate performance issues when working with Native IBM MQ
  • Upgraded commons-codec to 1.13 from 1.11
  • Upgraded commons-lang3 from 3.8.1 to 3.11
  • Upgraded commons-io from 2.6 to 2.7
  • Upgraded gson from 2.8.6 to 2.8.7