Extended virtual service support for using multiple native IBM® MQ virtual services (beta) linked to separate mappings:
The scenarios/VirtualServiceName/service.properties now allows for configuring:
- ibm.mq.queue.replay.on.startup=false
- ibm.mq.queue.replay.request.queue.manager=REQ.QM
- ibm.mq.queue.replay.response.queue.manager=RSP.QM
- The scenarios/VirtualServiceName/ibm-mq-connections.json file is used to specify the queue manager connections per virtual service
- The scenarios/VirtualServiceName/ibm-mq-mappings directory contains the mappings files per virtual service
- The UI allows starting MQ replay for multiple virtual services at a time
The scenarios/VirtualServiceName/service.properties now allows for configuring:
- The configuration points database-connections.json, data and ibm-mq-connections.json are now configured per virtual service relative to the virtual service directory rather than globally
- The service.properties file is now sorted by key when changes are made via the UI
- The logs now contain the virtual service name to help determine which log lines correspond to which virtual services
- Improved OpenAPI import examples compatibility
- Fixed an issue where the total number of MQ writeConnectionsToOpen specified in ibm-mq-connections.json was incorrectly being read from the readConnectionsToOpen field
- Fixed a race condition where a scenario change could result in HTTP mapping file bodies being momentarily loaded from the incorrect directory
- Fixed an issue where some temporary directories were not being cleaned up properly on shutdown
- Fixed an issue where refreshing the page after stopping replay mode would result in attempting a form resubmission
- Fixed an issue where the UI log pages would sometimes be incorrectly detected as binary files by the browser and downloaded instead of displayed
- The xPath helper now allows iteration over specific extracted nodes as an alternative to using the xPathList helper, which iterates over all of the child nodes
- The equal helper now additionally considers the arguments to be equal if they convert to the same string representation when rendered (e.g. XML nodes)
- Upgraded bundled JRE from 8u262 to 8u282
- Upgraded WireMock from 2.27.1 to 2.27.2
- Upgraded gRPC from 1.31.1 to 1.36.0
- Upgraded protoc from 3.12.0 to 3.15.5
- This release is compatible with the MQ com.ibm.mq.allclient JAR up to version