Current flow
RabbitMQ -> SpringBoot + Twilio SDK -> Twilio API
Desired flow with Traffic Parrot
RabbitMQ -> SpringBoot + Twilio SDK -> Traffic Parrot -> Twilio API
- Using Twilio REST API v2010
- Endpoint:
- OpenAPI spec:
How can we intercept and mock Twilio SDK calls using Traffic Parrot since the SDK doesn't accept a configurable URL?
Setup steps:
- Update your code to send requests to Traffic Parrot instead of real Twilio APIs, see sample code below
- Run Traffic Parrot on port 8081
- Configure recorder to forward requests to
- Record sample responses from Twilio
- Switch recorder to replay mode
- Use the mock responses in your tests
// 1. Create a custom HTTP client that redirects Twilio requests to Traffic Parrot
public class TrafficParrotHttpClient extends NetworkHttpClient {
private static final String TWILIO_API = "";
private static final String TRAFFIC_PARROT = "http://localhost:8081";
public Response makeRequest(Request request) {
// Rewrite URL to point to Traffic Parrot
String rewrittenUrl = request.getUrl().replace(TWILIO_API, TRAFFIC_PARROT);
// Create new request with rewritten URL while preserving auth and other properties
Request rewrittenRequest = new Request(request.getMethod(), rewrittenUrl)
.setAuth(request.getUsername(), request.getPassword())
return super.makeRequest(rewrittenRequest);
// 2. Configure Twilio client to use custom HTTP client
TwilioRestClient client = new TwilioRestClient.Builder("YOUR_ACCOUNT_SID", "YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN")
.httpClient(new TrafficParrotHttpClient())
// 3. Set as default client
// 4. Use Twilio SDK normally - calls will be redirected to Traffic Parrot
Message message = Message.creator(
new PhoneNumber("+1555555555"),
new PhoneNumber("+1555555556"),
"Hello from Traffic Parrot!")
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