We have just released version 5.49.0. Here is a list of the changes that came with the release:
- Added support for the JWT Extension for WireMock
- JWT usage examples, typically mocked via an /oauth/token endpoint:
{{jwt maxAge='12 days'}} {{jwt exp=(parseDate '2041-02-23T21:22:23Z')}} {{jwt nbf=(parseDate '2019-02-23T21:22:23Z')}} {{jwt iss='https://issuer.trafficparrot.com/'}} {{jwt aud='https://audience.trafficparrot.com/'}} {{jwt sub='subject'}} {{jwt alg='RS256'}} {{jwt customBoolClaim=true customIntClaim=23 customStringClaim='example@x.y.z' customDateClaim=(parseDate '2024-01-02T03:04:05Z') }}
- JSON Web Key Set (JWKS) usage example, typically mocked via an /.well-known/jwks.json endpoint:
- Settings also visible via http://localhost:8080/api/http/__admin/settings as
{ "settings" : { "extended" : { "jwt" : { "hs256Secret" : "...", "rs256PublicKeyId" : "...", "rs256PublicKey" : "-----BEGIN RSA PUBLIC KEY-----\n...\n-----END RSA PUBLIC KEY-----\n", "rs256PrivateKey" : "-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----\n...\n-----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----\n" } } } }
- Enable in trafficparrot.properties by setting:
- Library upgrades to fix OWASP issues
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