Monday 11 July 2022

Service virtualization in ephemeral containers

Product teams that move fast would like to have more control over the infrastructure of the tools they run. They would also like to run the service virtualization the same way they run their microservices and other tools, in ephemeral containers that they spin up based on demand.

This is a high level comparison of the two options available, the traditional approach of using service virtualizatino managed by a central team and the new approach that is in line with the new industry tremds.

Traffic Parrot supports the new model and teams that want to migrate from the traditional model to the new model.

Centrally managed service virtualization (i.e Center Of Excellence)

Self-service ephemeral service virtualization (also called API simulation)

Management of the SV tool servers

Typically central team of administrators (COE)

The product team that needs the virtual services

Purchasing of SV tool licenses

Typically central team of administrators (COE)

The product team that needs the virtual services

Creation of virtual services

The product team that needs the virtual services

The product team that needs the virtual services


Typically long-lived 24/7 running instances

Typically ephemeral instances spin up based on demand

Development technology

Typically VMs

Typically ephemeral containers

Deployment architecture

Typically a few shared instances of service virtualization environments

Many ephemeral instances running on local laptops, inside CI/CD pipelines, in OpenShit, etc.

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