We have just released version 5.29.7. Here is a list of the changes that came with the release:
Added new trafficparrot.properties to allow configuring separate HTTP and HTTPS ports for the UI:
- trafficparrot.gui.http.port=8080
- trafficparrot.gui.http.port.enabled=true
- trafficparrot.gui.https.port=8079
- trafficparrot.gui.https.port.enabled=true
- trafficparrot.gui.https.jks.resource=certificates/user-interface-https.jks
- trafficparrot.gui.https.jks.password=trafficparrot
- Added support for connecting to an external RabbitMQ 3 broker via JMS
- Added support for HTTP webhooks including:
- UI to configure callback on the HTTP Add/Edit mapping page
- Send request callback after a fixed delay
- Use data from the original request and response body in the callback request template
- Enable callback to be sent or not based on script
- Added support for uploading data directory when uploading an HTTP mappings zip file
- Added support for DOTALL option in {{ regexExtract }} helper
- Upgraded WireMock from 2.29.1 to 2.31.0
- WireMock removed support for parameter normalizing in response templates
- To restore parameter normalizing behaviour, please set: trafficparrot.virtualservice.handlebars.normalizeHelperParameters=true
- Upgraded gRPC from 1.39.0 to 1.43.1
- Upgraded protoc from 3.17.3 to 3.19.1
- Include RabbitMQ sample JMS connection
- Fixed a bug with indexed {{ dataSource }} parameters
- Fixed a bug with mixed type XLS columns
- Fixed a bug with the tray icon on Windows
- Library upgrades to fix OWASP issues