Wednesday 26 August 2020

How many licenses do I need to purchase for 10 users in a shared QA environment?

"At the beginning, we would have about 10 users that would use Traffic Parrot in a shared QA environment, possibly all at the same time. Can they all use the same instance over the web application user interface of Traffic Parrot? How many licenses would I need to purchase in this case?" - Software Architect working for an E-commerce company.

Please have a look at a definition of how Traffic Parrot (TP) licensing works: What is the "concurrent floating license"?

An instance is a process that may run on a server or a laptop. Every instance you need to run in parallel (at the same time) needs a license.

As teams and test environments scale in size, our customers find that using multiple licenses reduces risk and increases testing throughput (test turnaround time).

Our customers have found that teams that are working on different subsystems or projects or a collection of related features are best served by having their own license per environment. If multiple teams or initiatives are working on the same shared environment then we recommend using one TP instance per third party and backend service in each environment.

In addition, if your developers are using TP on a laptop you can start to run into contention issues after three or four developers using it to debug virtual services at the same time before commits, two developers intensive use can benefit from their own licenses.

These guidelines will minimize the complexity of your virtual services, both for initial use and during their subsequent maintenance while running TP in shared environments such as QA or SIT. 

Performance testing may require high core count machines or multiple load-balanced instances.

We would be happy to schedule a call at your convenience to discuss this, please contact to schedule a call to discuss your requirements.

Wednesday 19 August 2020

Why would I need multiple floating licenses?

 "Why would I need multiple floating licenses?" - Software Developer working for an E-commerce company.

Here is how TP (Traffic Parrot) licensing works:

If you want to run more than one TP process in parallel in different places you will need more than one license, one for each process.

Monday 10 August 2020

Traffic Parrot 5.16.0 released, whats new?

 We have just released version 5.16.0. Here is a list of the changes that came with the release:


  • Select handlebars helper CSV file caching. When you set
    the CSV file loading performance will be significantly improved.
  • Supporting large number of CPU cores. When you run Traffic Parrot on many cores (40 or more) it would fail to start and report an error
    javax.servlet.ServletException: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Insufficient configured threads: required=212 < max=200 for QueuedThreadPool[qtp318353283]@12f9af83{STARTED,8<=168<=200,i=0,r=20,q=0}[ReservedThreadExecutor@71b3bc45{s=0/20,p=0}]
    The fix is to increase the number of threads Jetty can spin up. This was done by exposing two properties to configure HTTP Jetty server thread queues:


  • Performance improvements to dynamic responses
  • Jetty HTTP Server upgrade from 9.4.20.v20190813 to 9.4.30.v20200611
  • Upgraded Wiremock from 2.25.1 to 2.27.1
  • Upgraded Http client from 2.6.2 to 2.7.0
  • Several other library version upgrades

Loading data from a CSV file to create dynamic responses?

"How can I load data from a CSV file and create a dynamic response based on XML request body?" - Software Consultant at a global software consultancy

You can nest the "xPath" helper in the "select" helper, for example: 

{{select 'Age from UserData.csv where Username equals' (xPath request.body '//User/Username/text()')}}